About Me

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Orlando/Melbourne, Florida
Me= Becky Morgan, from Melbourne but now live in East Orlando. Wife of a cancer survivor and the most wonderful man (everyone says that don't they?!), mother of my two angels Ava and Ashton, sister to a twin who is 6 years older than me (you're trying to figure that out aren't you?!), daughter to the weirdest parents I've ever met whom I owe everything to. I am addicted to coffee, thinks sugar and microwaves will kill us all (yet I eat and use them way too much!), say I am outdoorsy but freak out over bugs, spend way too much time on pinterest and other blogs (but don't we all), still dream of being a broadway star BUT most importanly have a passion for weddings and events that comes from deep within my sole! I love helping clients achieve their dream! After graduating from UCF's Rosen School of Hospitality I founded L.I.F.E. Events. We service clients throughout Florida including Central Florida and the Space Coast (Melbourne/Vero). We help design, create and execute every detail! Feel free to always email Becky@lifeeventsllc.com to set up an apt...over coffee of course :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"My business is to create...."

Not only a line from one of my favorite tear jerker movies but pretty much sums up my purpose in life....well what I like to believe is my purpose atleast!

People tend to say that you are either born with the gift or not and I disagree with that. Anyone can be creative, sometimes you just need some guidance :) Thats what I am here for...oh and websites such as pinterest! I give huge thanks to the creators of Pinterest for coming up with such an amazing idea (if only I had thought of it!). Not only has it allowed me to go over budget each month, put on pounds thanks to the amazing recipes posted (especially all the smores recipes...hello!!) but its also turned all my "not-so-crafty" brides into experts leaving me with more work...not so sure why I love sites like this after all :) kidding, kidding! My favorite couples are my creative ones...if you come to me and think you arent you will be after planning with me!

Since I dont think websites such as this are going anywhere for quite a while I figured I'd do some more browsing and then found these.

Something so cute and simple as the "last chance to run" sign will be remembered by many guests for quite a long time and about the easiest thing you could make for your ceremony....and lets add the most important detail, cost effective!

Then a guest book made from rocks...seriously?! Again, not only simple and cheap but most importantly something different and unique and what will have your guests talking.

Your wedding should be a reflextion of your personality as a couple, anything but cookie cutter! Now go on....CREATE!!!!

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